User Testing For Websites - Alejandro Garcia

The usability of websites is how easy it is for an average person to use the software or website to achieve specific goals. It is important to test the usability of a website because there are so many different websites that accomplish the same thing so a user will leave your website if they find it is not easy to use. Therefore, it is important to conduct usability tests on your website.

A usability test is done by constructing a scenario where an average person does a set of tasks likely to be done by first time users of the website. It is important to make sure the person you’re testing on has never used the site to get an accurate test. The tester is listening to feedback and watching the tested person and taking notes on what they are doing well at and if they are having issues navigating the site. Eye tracking can be used to see where a user is looking most of the time on the site.

Hallway testing is the act of using random people to test a site instead of people who have had experience in testing websites. An expert review is a test where an expert/professional is used to test the site. An advantage of this type of process is that it is not very time consuming. When testing is complete, it is important to compile the information and pay attention to common issues that users had. Notice the amount of time taken to complete certain tasks and clear any confusion with the users by asking questions. Testing is an ongoing process, and it is important to keep testing even after changes have been made.

During my research I used the following sites to gather this information.

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